

Innovation Hub

Membership Match Use Cases Playbook

This webinar details new data appended by a voter file match. It also highlights specific ways to use the data without additional technology or personnel.

by Peter Fontana

TWSAF Diversity Acquisition Campaign

In 2023 The Wilderness Society Action Fund set out to diversify their new member acquisitions in terms of age and race cost effectively. By tapping into creative trends, targeting, and platforms that represent younger and more diverse audiences, TWSAF aimed to reach bold but realistic goals.

by Peter Fontana

Environmental Issue Targeting Models

A development proposal to expand target models beyond climate or environment generally to new issue-based models for the environmental community. Issues may concern lands, wildlife, water, and other topics of importance. Opportunities to support this work are detailed in this webinar.

by Peter Fontana

AI Basics & Our Work

This presentation presents AI basics at a high-level including definitions, how environmental organizations are already using AI to power specific marketing tasks, and how to stay updated.

by Peter Fontana

Air Quality in Real-Time May 2023 to Yesterday by Zip Code

*-Real-Time Maps are closed for the season and will return May 2024*Use to reach people experiencing poor air quality now with real-time, reactive content. Use …

by Peter Fontana

Air Quality in Real-Time May 2023 to Yesterday by Congressional District

*-Real-Time Maps are closed for the season and will return May 2024*Use to reach people experiencing poor air quality now with real-time, reactive content. Use …

by Peter Fontana

2022 Environmental Community Snapshot

This snapshot combines and summarizes more than 20 million voter and CRM records from over 50 environmental organizations to give a fuller picture the environmental community and opportunities for growth.

by Peter Fontana

Environmental Priority Survey

Who prioritizes which environmental issues? How does each environmental issue stack up against others within and beyond the environmental category? These are just some of the questions we sought to answer in this survey of issue priorities, including 11 environmental issues (e.g., drinking water, wildlife) alongside 23 other major issues of the day (e.g., healthcare, economy).

by Peter Fontana