Our Partners

Climate Advocacy Lab

The Climate Advocacy Lab has become one of the most effective and prominent training, testing, and consulting organizations in the climate and clean energy space.

Climate Advocacy Lab logo graphic

Our mission

The Climate Advocacy Lab equips the US climate movement with the evidence-based insights, skills, and connections needed to build durable power and win equitable solutions.

Carina Barnett-Loro
Carina Barnett-Loro

What we do

The Climate Advocacy Lab uses evidence-based research, data and analytics, field experiments, case studies, and campaign lessons learned to help climate advocates in every part of the U.S. run smarter public engagement campaigns. We raise the sophistication of the field and the appetite for evidence-informed decisions.

We have created a movement-wide appetite for learning, testing, experimenting, and sharing beyond organizational silos, enabling advocates to optimize their public engagement campaigns by learning more rapidly than ever before.

Our workstreams

Featured projects

Climate Justice Microgrants

Elevating the insights of climate justice leaders advancing equitable, community-based solutions to the climate crisis. Read More

Research + Experimentation 10 Convening

Our Research + Experimentation series of convenings are our marquee venue to share what the Lab community has been learning, researching, and testing to build power and win for climate action. Read More

Climate + Health Peer Learning Circle

The Climate + Health Circle is a 6-month peer learning experience for leaders, organizations, and networks engaging the health community to take action on climate. Read More

Research Library

Search our library which contains thousands of resources covering the intersection of climate engagement, social science and data analytics. Access Now

Want to connect with us?

Fill out our contact form! Or if you’d like to become a member of the Climate Advocacy Lab, fill out our membership interest form!

Changemakers wanted.

We are a national environmental non-profit that envisions a stronger, more connected, and more equitable environmental movement, and that starts within.