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Environmental Polling Roundup – June 14, 2024





The latest edition of Yale and GMU’s long-running “Climate Change in the American Mind” study, based on interviews conducted in April and May, features a wealth of findings on voters’ climate attitudes and policy preferences. Some of the notable takeaways from this latest wave are below.

Steady majorities of voters continue to say that clean energy and global warming should be high priorities for the President and Congress. More than three in five voters (63%) say that developing sources of clean energy should be a “high” or “very high” priority for the President and Congress, while just over half (52%) say that global warming should be a “high” or “very high” priority.

Prioritization of clean energy is essentially unchanged from the previous wave of the survey, conducted in October 2023, when 64% said that clean energy should be a “high” or “very high” priority. 

Prioritization of global warming is down a few points from October (56%), though it’s worth noting that voters’ prioritization of global warming tends to follow a seasonal pattern and generally peaks during or immediately after the hotter summer months.

Voters overwhelmingly favor pro-climate candidates over candidates who oppose climate action, even if Americans don’t rate global warming as a top voting issue. Around four in ten voters (39%) say that global warming will be “very important” in their vote this year, which ranks it below top issues such as maintaining free and fair U.S. elections (77%), the economy (71%), and inflation (65%).

However, voters are very clear that they want pro-climate candidates: by a greater than four-to-one margin, voters prefer to vote for a candidate who supports action on global warming (62%) over a candidate who opposes action on global warming (15%).

Climate change also has the potential to be a wedge issue for moderate Republicans, as liberal-to-moderate Republicans support a pro-climate candidate over one who opposes climate action by a nearly three-to-one margin (47%-16%).

Voters say that corporations, even more than the government, are failing to do their fair share on global warming. While most voters say that nearly every major actor in politics and society should be doing more to address global warming, they are particularly likely to say that corporations and industry need to do more.

Below are the percentages who say that each of the following should be doing more to address global warming:

Voters widely back the IRA, but few are hearing much about it. Most voters (61%) say that they’ve heard “little” or “nothing at all” about the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, but they support it by a roughly three-to-one margin (74% support / 25% oppose) after reading a description of it. 

These findings are very consistent with previous polling on the IRA going back to the bill’s passage, with voters saying that they’ve heard little about it but large majorities supporting it when they learn the basics of what’s in the law.

Specific climate-friendly policies – including incentives for clean energy and energy efficiency – attract broad, bipartisan support. Yale and GMU find widespread support for a range of specific climate-friendly policies, including many that were included in the IRA. 

This includes bipartisan support for policies that tackle climate change through agriculture, clean energy, energy efficiency, and pollution restrictions, including:

Large, cross-partisan majorities also support specific proposals to address climate injustices. These include:

While they are relatively more polarizing along partisan lines, large majorities also support proposals to increase federal funding to low-income communities and communities of color who are disproportionately harmed by air and water pollution (73% support, including 92% of Democrats and 48% of Republicans) and to transition the U.S. economy from fossil fuels to 100% clean energy by 2050 (66% support, including 91% of Democrats and 35% of Republicans).

Voters view the shift to clean energy as a net plus economically, despite deep partisan disagreement. With inflation top-of-mind for Americans these last few years, it’s become more important than ever for clean energy advocates to win debates over the costs and economic impacts of the clean energy transition.

Encouragingly, Yale and GMU find that voters are much more likely to believe that policies to transition from fossil fuels toward clean energy will improve economic growth and provide new jobs (50%) than reduce economic growth and cost jobs (28%). There is a deep partisan split on this question, however, as most Democrats (76%) say that the clean energy transition will be positive for economic growth and jobs while most Republicans (56%) say the opposite.

In terms of jobs specifically, most voters believe that increasing production of clean energy (61%) will produce more good jobs in the U.S. than increasing the production of fossil fuels (37%). However, partisans again take opposing views with the vast majority of Democrats (87%) saying that clean energy will produce more good jobs while most Republicans (72%) say that fossil fuel production will produce more good jobs.

Most voters continue to support clean energy projects in their own areas. Polls have very consistently shown that, contrary to much of the conventional wisdom in the media, most Americans support the siting of clean energy projects in their local areas.

Here, Yale and GMU find that nearly two-thirds (65%) support building solar farms in their local area and nearly three-fifths (58%) support building wind farms. Just over half also support building high-voltage power lines to distribute clean energy (54%) and building electric vehicle charging stations (51%) in the areas where they live.

These newly released polls in Arizona and Pennsylvania follow similar research that Climate Power has recently conducted in Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina.

Pulling some of the “Key Takeaways” from their Pennsylvania deck, which largely mirror their findings in other battleground states:

Contrast messaging on climate and clean energy moves Pennsylvania voters toward Biden by 8 percentage points. Both positive-Biden and negative-Trump messaging are crucial for this degree of movement. The contrast results in key gains among swing voters and younger voters, and it solidifies support from Black voters.

Many Pennsylvania voters are unaware of Biden’s climate and clean energy achievements, with only one in four convinced that he has taken strong action. However, positive messaging significantly boosts favorable perceptions of Biden, including a notable 10-point improvement among young voters who believe Biden is listening to the needs of younger Americans.

Pennsylvania voters do not realize the depth of harm Trump caused during his first term or adequately understand the serious threat his reelection poses, perceiving him as indifferent toward environmental issues rather than actively hostile. They believe he favors big businesses, but overlook how that harms everyday Americans.

We need to increase the volume and frequency of Biden’s achievements in clean energy and reducing pollution. Pennsylvania voters recognize the benefits of clean energy, but their limited awareness about recent state-level and local improvements generates skepticism. More frequent and visible messaging will build credibility about Biden’s tangible impacts.

The strongest climate and clean energy case for Biden focuses on lowering energy costs, job growth, and protecting public health from air and water pollution. Voters need ongoing and tangible evidence of progress in these areas. Energy costs emerge as a top voter concern in the state; showing how Biden’s efforts will reduce energy costs for consumers is a critical message to convey.

Voters in Pennsylvania express concerns about the loss of coal jobs and its impact on workers. They want to see support for displaced coal workers. Union households particularly favor the term ‘renewable’ over ‘clean’ to avoid stigmatizing people who work in ‘dirty’ energy sectors.

The case against Trump is strong and impactful, particularly messages that emphasize threats to drinking water from fracking and his close ties to corporate polluters who harm vulnerable communities.

Following up on previous polling that they conducted in 2021, EDF finds that voters widely support research to help set healthy and sustainable aquaculture standards in U.S. waters so that the country can produce more seafood domestically. 

Their poll surveyed voters in New York and Florida, as well as coastal areas of California and Texas and select coastal congressional districts throughout the country. A few key findings are below.

Voters across party lines support the SEAfood Act. Roughly three-quarters (76%) of voters support the SEAfood Act when they see it explained as a “proposal that would examine the risks and opportunities of aquaculture in the open ocean off the U.S. coast before setting regulations and standards.” This proposal draws support from across the political spectrum, with 81% of Democrats, 67% of independents, and 75% of Republicans in favor.

Voters overwhelmingly agree with arguments for aquaculture research that focus on economic benefits and food safety. More than four in five voters agree with each of the following statements about the issue:

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